Prior to coming to Portofino, I saw so many pictures of this gorgeous city. I was so excited to walk through the colorful streets in person. Before taking a boat ride to Portofino, we walked through the town of Margherita. It was a very cloudy day and it rained for a little bit. We didn’t know when it would clear up or if it would rain again (it didn’t), so we bought an umbrella. The umbrella had a bunch of cities in Italy on it. We then took a boat ride to Portofino. As we docked, we were met with the colorful apartments. We waked to the top of a hill where we could see a panoramic view of Portofino. We walked back down and shopped at a few small shops. We bought iced coffee at a store and the worker was wearing a Breaking Bad apron. In broken english, he said that it was the best show ever. At only a few episodes into the first season at that moment, I did not disagree. We then traveled to Genoa where we walked around, had some pesto pasta next to a cathedral, and went under many streets where umbrellas hung over us. Overall, I think that Portofino was the most colorful city I’ve ever been to, even though it was cloudy and rainy.