Dutch Bros Coffee Usability Case Study

For my Information Design and Usability class, we are doing a deep dive into the company Dutch Bros, https://www.dutchbros.com. Throughout the class, we are working on this website in a series of team projects and individual projects.

For our first project, we worked as a team to conduct user research. I made an online survey to determine the demographic information of Dutch Bros customers. My team then used information from the survey to create user personas.

Here is the link to the online survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzSxvpKj7sF32lYeBC0G-JivXkLtRhfLB-XbJ8M6L2lxnnnA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Listed below is the user persona I created based on the responses we got from the survey.

Our next project was an individual assignment where we were instructed to analyze the current website and create a heuristic evaluation.

Our next project was a team assignment, where we were to create usability testing materials. I created a usability testing script and pre-test questions. I also helped create post-test questions as well as proofreading the document, and assembling all of the files into one document.


We then conducted usability tests, within our team. We each conducted at least two usability tests. Below is a presentation of the results and analysis from these usability tests. This presentation was a group effort. I was responsible for the results and recommendations slides.


I then made a site comp based off of the results from the usability tests. I used Adobe XD to craft my prototype of the new site. Based on the results from the site, I decided to focus on navigation, category labels, and the location page.

Here is a link to the interactive prototype: https://xd.adobe.com/view/ec9b91a1-68e8-4dc6-80b5-f5159b23ffc0-b9c8/?fullscreen&hints=off

Grace ForsterComment