Web Authoring

For my web authoring class, I was instructed to make a website for my given persona. My persona is Nicco. I was tasked with writing background information on Nicco to contribute to the project:

Nico is a single mother at 52-years-young. She has many new ideas to create a business. She does not know exactly what that business is yet, but she definitely has the drive to create something new. She has a son, Aldous, at 17 years old, and a daughter named Alouette, who is 15 years old. Her husband, Carter, passed away from cancer three years ago. He owned a few strip malls in the area, and these assets were able to provide for Nicco and her children. Nicco wants to follow in her lat husband’s footsteps, to carry on the entrepreneurial spirit.

Nicco has too many ideas to organize into concrete plans. She is very comfortable using her phone to make calls, and her computer to research and take notes. She understands how to manage finances and enjoys math, but may get confused easily with complicated computer software. She prefers to print out her webpages, to make it easier on her eyes to read. She also likes to highlight key phrases, and keeps all of the printed pages organized into notebooks.

Nicco uses the internet to research all kinds of new business ideas. She is very comfortable with Google. She is a very visual learner and gets discouraged if she cannot read the text, or if some of the design is off-putting. Every morning she goes to her office, works on school board projects, and then uses her free time to plan out special business projects of her own. Later in the day she attends school events, and helps plan school fundraisers for her children.

For the project, I made a very basic user persona with a template provided by my professor, a mind map, and a simple wire frame for an idea of what Nicco’s website was going to look like.

Below, I have linked the final website created for Nicco, based on her persona:


Grace ForsterComment