5 Planes of UX: Anthropologie Website Analysis

For this assignment, I analyzed Garrett’s 5 planes of User Experience Design for the website of Anthropologie. These 5 planes include:

  1. The Surface Plane: the topmost layer of the planes and is made up of images and text content. The surface plane shows the user buttons they may click or illustrations that may guide the user to add items to their cart

  2. The Skeleton Plane: describes the placement of buttons, controls, photographs, and blocks of text. The skeleton plane optimizes the arrangement of these elements for maximum effect and efficiency.

  3. The Structure Plane: describes an abstract version of the structure of the website. This plane describes the placement of the interface elements and how a user might get from one page to another.

  4. The Scope Plane: defines the way in which the various features and functions of the site fit together and what those features make up. The reason behind why a feature is included in the site is involved in the scope plane.

  5. The Strategy Plane: describes what the company wants to get out of the website as well as what the user wants to get out of the website.

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