Disney Plus Usability Test
For my Technical Communication class we had to conduct a usability test with a company of our choice. I decided to test the Disney Plus website in its desktop version. I wrote a usability test script and conducted the usability test with 5 participants. The goal of the usability test is to determine if the Disney Plus website works the way it is intended to work. I have included my usability test and observations, as well as a memo to Disney Plus describing my research. Overall, users found that the Disney Plus website was very user friendly. In conducting the usability test, I only found minor design issues that could be altered to better suit more users. Having multiple different fonts displayed next to film images seemed a bit overwhelming for some users. Perhaps labeling each film in the same text would be easier to find a desired movie. Perhaps, users could even change the size of this text in settings to ensure the most legible font size. More research findings can be found in the memo below.